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Guides to the evaluation of permanent impairment

Rondinelli, Robert D

Guides to the evaluation of permanent impairment 표지이미지
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개인저자Rondinelli Robert D.
Genovese Elizabeth.
Brigham Christopher R..
Katz Richard T.
Mayer Tom G.
단체저자명American Medical Association.
서명/저자사항Guides to the evaluation of permanent impairment /Robert D. Rondinelli... et al.
판사항6th ed.
발행사항[Chicago, Ill.] :American Medical Association,2008.
형태사항xxiv, 634 p. :ill. ;29 cm
서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Conceptual foundations and philosophy -- Practical application of the guides -- Pain-related impairment -- The cardiovascular system -- The pulmonary system -- The digestive system -- The urinary and reproductive systems-- The skin -- The hematopoietic system --
The endocrine system -- Ear, nose, throat, and related structures -- The visual system -- The central and peripheral nervous system -- Mental and behavioral disorders -- The upper extremities -- The lower extremities -- The spine and pelvis.
요약"The emphasis of this edition is on expanding the spectrum of diagnoses recognized in impairment rating. It is desigend to encourage attention to and documentation of functional consequences of the impairment as a part of each physician's detailed history"--Provided by publisher.
일반주제명Disability Evaluation
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1 MA000574 614.1 A512g6 원자력의학원 도서실 대출중 2012-03-05 예약가능