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Nuclear medicine

Ziessman, Harvey A

Nuclear medicine 표지이미지
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개인저자Ziessman Harvey A.
O'Malley Janis P.
Thrall James H.
Fahey Frederic H.
서명/저자사항Nuclear medicine /Harvey A. Ziessman, Janis P. O'Malley, James H. Thrall ; associate editor, Frederic H. Fahey.
판사항4th ed.
발행사항Philadelphia, PA :Elsevier/Mosby,c2014.
발행예정일자ix, 452 p. :
총서사항The Requisites series
총서부출표목The Requisites seriesRequisites in radiology
서지주기Includes bibliographical references.
내용주기Radiopharmaceuticals -- Molecular imaging -- Physics of nuclear medicine -- Radiation detection and instrumentation -- Single-photon emission computed tomography, positron emission tomography, and hybrid imaging -- Endocrine system -- Skeletal scintigraphy -- Hepatobiliary system -- Genitourinary system -- Pulmonary system -- Oncology : positron emission tomography -- Oncology : non - positron emission tomography -- Gastrointestinal system -- Infection and inflammation -- Central nervous system -- Cardiac system -- Pearls, pitfalls, and frequently asked questions.
일반주제명Radionuclide Imaging
Nuclear Medicinemethods
Tomography Emission-Computed
Radiopharmaceuticalsdiagnostic use
Molecular Imaging
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1 MA000789 616.07575 Z67n4 원자력의학원 도서실 대출중 2016-12-19 예약가능