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Spine radiosurgery

Gerszten, Peter C

Spine radiosurgery 표지이미지
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개인저자Gerszten Peter C.
Ryu Samuel
서명/저자사항Spine radiosurgery /[edited by] Peter C. Gerszten, Samuel Ryu
판사항2nd edition
발행사항New York :Thieme ;2015
형태사항xvii, 203 p. :ill ;29 cm
ISBN9781626230347 (hardcover)
서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Radiobiology of radiosurgery / Jae Ho Kim and Stephen Brown -- Clinical spinal cord tolerance to radiosurgery / Simon S. Lo [and 10 others] -- Management of spinal cord toxicity / Samuel Ryu, Steve Brown, and Jae Ho Kim -- Histopathologic examination of spinal lesions after radiosurgery / Nathan T. Zwagerman [and 6 others] -- Stereotactic spine radiotherapy : image guidance and patient immobilization / Max Dahele and Ben Slotman -- Treatment planning for spine radiosurgery / David Schlesinger, K. Martin Richardson, Kelly M. Spencer, Brian Winey, and Jason Sheehan -- Quality assurance and treatment delivery / Fang-fang Yin, Zheng Chang, and Justus Adamson -- Contemporary devices for spinal radiosurgery / Christoph Fu?rweger [and 5 others] -- Imaging, target delineation, and dose prescription / Eric Chang, Omar Ragab, Sukhjeet Batth, Shelly Bian, and Lydia Nng -- Radiosurgery for the re-treatment of progressive spine metastases / Andrew A. Kanner and Benjamin W. Corn -- Clinical outcomes after spinal radiosurgery / Peter C. Gerszten and John C. Flickinger -- Clinical outcomes of pain and quality of life after spinal radiosurgery / Lily Angelov, Sam Chao, and John Suh -- Radiosurgery for spinal canal compromise and spinal cord compression / Richard A. Rammo, Ian Y. Lee, Jack P. Rock, and Samuel Ryu -- Postoperative radiosurgery and minimally invasive surgical techniques / Tobias A. Mattei [and 7 others] -- Radiosurgery and percutaneous cement augmentation / Michael Decuypere and Jason A. Weaver -- Treatment failure, complications, and their management / Nicolaus Andratschke and Matthias Guckenberger -- Patient evaluation and treatment selection for spinal canal compromise / Samuel Ryu and Mark Bilsky -- Radiosurgery for benign extramedullary tumors of the spine / Iris C. Gibbs, Navjot Chaudhary, Steven D. Chang, Robert L. Dodd, and John R. Adler, Jr -- Radiosurgical treatment of spinal chordomas / James P. Caruso, Mark H. Bilsky, Josh Yamada, and Ilya Laufer -- The role of radiosurgery in the treatment of primary malignant spine and spinal cord tumors / Moon-Jun Sohn, Dong-Joon Lee, and Hye-Ran Lee -- Radiosurgery for spinal cord arteriovenous malformations / Maziyar A. Kalani, Iris C. Gibbs, John R. Adler, Jr., and Steven D. Chang -- Multidisciplinary approach for the evaluation and treatment of metastatic spinal tumors / Ganesh M. Shankar, Kevin Oh, Kristina Shultz, and John H. Shin.
일반주제명Spinal Cord Neoplasmssurgery
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