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Designing clinical research

Hulley, Stephen B

Designing clinical research 표지이미지
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개인저자Hulley Stephen B.
Cummings Steven R.
Browner Warren S.
서명/저자사항Designing clinical research /Stephen B. Hulley ... [et al.].
판사항3rd ed.
발행사항Philadelphia :Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,c2007
형태사항xv, 367 p. :ill. ;26 cm
서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Getting started: the anatomy and physiology of clinical research -- Conceiving the research question -- Choosing the study subjects: specification, sampling, and recruitment -- Planning the measurements: precision and accuracy -- Getting ready to estimate sample size: hypotheses and underlying principles -- Estimating sample size and power: applications and examples -- Designing a cohort study -- Designing cross-sectional and case-control studies -- Enhancing causal inference in observational studies --
Designing a randomized blinded trial -- Alternative trial designs and implementation issues -- Designing studies of medical tests -- Utilizing existing databases -- Addressing ethical issues -- Designing questionnaries and interviews -- Data management -- Implementing the study and quality control -- Community and international studies -- Writing and funding a research proposal.
일반주제명Epidemiologic Methods
Research Design
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1 MP005020 610.72 H913d3 원자력의학원 도서실 대출중 2018-02-04 예약가능